The Reserve Bank of India, in consultation with the State Governments/Union Territories (UTs), announces that the quantum of total market borrowings by the State Governments/UTs for the quarter April – June 2022, is expected to be ₹1,90,375 crore. The weekly schedule of auctions to be held during the quarter along with the name of States/UTs who have confirmed participation and tentative amounts indicated by them is as under:
Month Proposed Date Expected quantum of borrowing
(in ₹ Cr) States/UTs who have confirmed participation and the tentative amount of borrowing
(in ₹ Cr) April 2022 April 07, 2022 6000 Andhra Pradesh 2000 Maharashtra 4000 April 11, 2022 15075 Andhra Pradesh 2000 Assam 700 Jammu & Kashmir 400 Madhya Pradesh 2000 Maharashtra 3000 Meghalaya 200 Mizoram 75 Punjab 700 Tamil Nadu 1500 Telangana 1000 Uttarakhand 500 Uttar Pradesh 3000 April 19, 2022 10550 Andhra Pradesh 1000 Goa 100 Kerala 1000 Maharashtra 2000 Manipur 150 Punjab 300 Rajasthan 1000 Tamil Nadu 2000 Uttar Pradesh 3000 April 26, 2022 15200 Assam 600 Goa 100 Gujarat 1500 Himachal Pradesh 500 Madhya Pradesh 1000 Maharashtra 2500 Punjab 500 Rajasthan 1000 Tamil Nadu 2000 Telangana 2000 Uttarakhand 500 Uttar Pradesh 3000 May 2022 May 02, 2022 20400 Andhra Pradesh 2000 Goa 100 Gujarat 1500 Haryana 2000 Jammu & Kashmir 300 Kerala 2000 Maharashtra 2000 Punjab 1000 Rajasthan 1500 Tamil Nadu 2000 Telangana 3000 Uttar Pradesh 3000 May 10, 2022 9325 Andhra Pradesh 1000 Assam 600 Kerala 1000 Madhya Pradesh 1000 Maharashtra 2000 Meghalaya 150 Mizoram 75 Tamil Nadu 2000 Uttarakhand 500 West Bengal 1000 May 17, 2022 17100 Chhattisgarh 1000 Haryana 2000 Himachal Pradesh 1000 Kerala 1000 Madhya Pradesh 1000 Maharashtra 2500 Nagaland 300 Punjab 500 Rajasthan 500 Sikkim 300 Tamil Nadu 2000 Telangana 2000 Uttar Pradesh 3000 May 24, 2022 13850 Assam 600 Goa 100 Gujarat 1500 Madhya Pradesh 1000 Maharashtra 2500 Manipur 150 Punjab 500 Tamil Nadu 2000 Uttarakhand 500 Uttar Pradesh 3000 West Bengal 2000 May 31, 2022 17600 Andhra Pradesh 2000 Goa 100 Gujarat 1500 Kerala 1000 Maharashtra 2500 Punjab 1500 Rajasthan 1500 Tamil Nadu 2000 Telangana 3000 West Bengal 2500 June 2022 June 07, 2022 13550 Andhra Pradesh 2000 Assam 600 Gujarat 1500 Himachal Pradesh 1000 Jammu & Kashmir 300 Madhya Pradesh 1000 Maharashtra 2500 Meghalaya 150 Punjab 500 Rajasthan 500 Tamil Nadu 2000 Telangana 1000 Uttarakhand 500 June 14, 2022 16775 Andhra Pradesh 1000 Haryana 2000 Kerala 1000 Madhya Pradesh 1000 Maharashtra 2000 Mizoram 75 Punjab 500 Rajasthan 1000 Sikkim 200 Tamil Nadu 2000 Telangana 2000 Uttar Pradesh 3000 West Bengal 1000 June 21, 2022 16200 Andhra Pradesh 2000 Assam 600 Chhattisgarh 1000 Goa 100 Madhya Pradesh 1000 Maharashtra 2000 Punjab 1000 Rajasthan 2000 Tamil Nadu 2000 Uttarakhand 500 Uttar Pradesh 3000 West Bengal 1000 June 28, 2022 18750 Andhra Pradesh 2000 Goa 100 Gujarat 1500 Kerala 2000 Maharashtra 2500 Manipur 150 Punjab 500 Rajasthan 1500 Tamil Nadu 2000 Telangana 1000 Uttar Pradesh 3000 West Bengal 2500 Total 190375
The actual amount of borrowings and the details of the States/UTs participating would be intimated by way of press releases two/ three days prior to the actual auction day and would depend on the requirement of the State Governments/UTs, approval from the Government of India under Article 293(3) of the Constitution of India and the market conditions. RBI would endeavour to conduct the auctions in a non-disruptive manner, taking into account the market conditions and other relevant factors and distribute the borrowings evenly throughout the quarter. RBI reserves the right to modify the dates and the amount of auction in consultation with State Governments/UTs.
(Yogesh Dayal)
Chief General Manager
Press Release: 2022-2023/19